Teaching in France

Language Teaching Assistants in France

The Language Teaching Assistants Programs are coordinated by France Education International in France and facilitated in Australia by the Embassy of France. They are designed to give university students and young adults the opportunity to discover a new region and culture by working alongside an English teacher in a French school environment. The programs are not aimed at experienced teachers, and whether or not the participants intend to become a teacher, it is a fantastic opportunity to gain seven months of international professional experience.

These programs are open to students of all disciplines who can demonstrate a competence in French, and who are seeking to increase their linguistic and cultural proficiency.

To apply for the Language Teaching Assistant Program candidates must be enrolled at an Australian university at the time of application, in at least the second year of studies. When applying, candidates are given the opportunity to express their preferred geographical location and level of teaching (primary or secondary).

Metropolitan France

Applications generally open around December for a contract beginning in October of the next calendar year.

For further information on the program in Metropolitan France and its overseas departments, including La Réunion, Guadeloupe, Guyane et Martinique, click here.

Overseas Territories

Applications for these two programs generally open around July for a contract beginning in March of the next calendar year.

For further information on the program in New Caledonia visit the New Caledonia page.
For further information on the program in Wallis-et-Futuna, visit the Wallis-et-Futuna page.

Teaching in France

To work as a professional teacher in France, there are conditions that must be fulfilled according to the teaching situation, for example depending on whether a person is teaching in the public school system or through a private education provider. All workers in France must obtain the necessary permissions to work and live in France. Qualified teachers may also need to enquire about obtaining recognition for any teaching qualifications undertaken in Australia.

1. Working and living in France

Non-Europeans must obtain a Long Stay Work Visa: article 7351 You must be able to present a signed work contract, which must have been approved by the local immigration authorities, before submitting a visa application in Australia. For more information: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F2728?lang=en

2. Teaching in the public system

All tenured teachers in institutions of public education are considered civil servants in France. Therefore, non-European nationals are not eligible.
For more information on the requirements: https://www.devenirenseignant.gouv.fr/

Some regions also recruit contract workers to complete their workforce. More information can be found by contacting the Direction des services départementaux de l’Éducation nationale (DSDEN) of the department.

3. Teaching in a private instiution

This depends upon the denomination and institution which you are interested in. For example, for a Catholic institution, a carte de séjour (residence permit) and authorisation to work are necessary. Licenses obtained in France or overseas are already recognised as equivalent by the Ministry for primary teaching. You would need to contact the Diocese for Catholic Education (DDEC) in the location you would like to teach, or the Services d’Accueil et d’Aide au Recrutement (SAAR).

Under certain conditions, foreign nationals can register to take the competitive examinations for teachers in private education. You must contact the service responsible for private education within your academic zone to apply as soon as you register for the competitive exams, and before the date of publication of the admission results. Prior to appointment as a trainee teacher, you must obtain an exemption to the nationality conditions from the rector. Your request for exemption from the nationality conditions will be processed in coordination with the procedure for assigning trainee teachers.
For more information: https://www.devenirenseignant.gouv.fr/

For diplomas obtained outside the EU, the ENIC-NARIC is the French information center in charge of the recognition of foreign diplomas. This is the sole authority authorised to issue certificates of recognition of diplomas obtained in a foreign country:

Once this certificate has been obtained, with an undergraduate degree you may be able to undertake substitute teaching within Catholic education establishments, subject to other regulatory conditions around foreign workers. For more information visit: https://jedeviensenseignant.fr/

Certain private institutions, organisations and websites may recruit foreigners to teach or tutor English in France. In this instance conditions of employment are on a case-by-case basis. Check local recruitment websites to find out what’s available.

Participate in the Jules Verne Teacher International Mobility Program

The Jules Verne program allows tenured teachers in public primary and secondary schools to work in a foreign establishment for one school year. Conversely, the foreign establishment has the possibility of sending one of its teachers on exchange to France. For more information: https://eduscol.education.fr/1232/programme-de-mobilite-internationale-jules-verne

FAQ - Teaching Assistant

General Questions

When will applications open?
- Metropolitan France: Applications generally open around December for a contract beginning in October of the next calendar year.
- New Caledonia / Wallis+Futuna: Applications generally open around July for a contract beginning in March of the next calendar year.

I’ve never done a DELF test and I’m not sure what my official French level is. Can I still apply?
- Yes. Your French teacher will identify your French level on their appraisal form.

Who can fill out my appraisal form?
- The teacher’s appraisal form (fiche d’appreciation) must be filled out by a qualified French teacher. If you do not currently have a French teacher (ie you stopped studying French in high school,) you should reach out to one who has taught you previously. You can solicit this appraisal from any qualified French teacher who knows you well enough to be able to evaluate your current level of French - It can be done by your French teacher from high school, Alliance Française or tutoring service, providing they are a qualified teacher. A French-speaking friend or uncertified tutor cannot complete this appraisal. If you have no current teacher but do have a DELF certificate, you may submit this instead. If you have more than one professor who could recommend you for the program, you can submit more than one form
If you are still unable to submit anything for the fiche d’appreciation, please contact education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr before submitting your application.

I’m learning French and I should catch up to a B1 level by the time I get to France. Can I still apply?
- You must be at a B1 level at the time of application, as indicated on your appraisal form. Although living in immersion in France is a great opportunity to improve your own language skills, your role is to help teach pupils English (not the other way around!) If you’re at an A1 or A2 level, you’re encouraged to keep learning and apply for a future round.

I’m not currently enrolled at uni. Am I eligible?
- The language assistants program run by France Education International and the Embassy of France is specifically designed for university students. In some cases you may still be able to apply if you have recently graduated or are between degrees – please contact education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr to verify your eligibility.

I’m a qualified teacher/I am over the age limit. Can I apply?
- This is a program of youth exchange and work experience; as such it is specifically designed for university students with little teaching experience, with the objective of allowing them a formative experience under the guidance of a professional French teacher. It is an opportunity for young adults to gain some professional work experience before graduating, and is not designed for qualified teachers. The program is also part of the strategy of the French Ministry of Education and Youth for promoting international student mobility. For more information please see France Education International.

Can I print the application form and fill it out by hand?
- Please use a PDF reader (Adobe Acrobat or similar) to type your responses and select from options in drop-down menus. Pease see Annexe 4 of the form regarding digital signatures.

My completed application file is too large to send by email. Can I send a cloud storage link?
- No. The size of the documents attached to the pdf must remain below 5MB. Please compress or reduce the resolution of your passport, enrolment or transcript scans.

Do I have to pay for an academic transcript?
- Certain universities provide a statement of results or unofficial academic transcript for free. Please see acceptable examples here. If your university cannot provide any of the suitable documents, you must buy a transcript. Screenshots of your grades online will not be accepted.

Can you offer advice/feedback on my application?
- No. Due to the large number of applications, we cannot offer any feedback to individuals before or after submission.

I didn’t hear from my French teacher in time to submit my application before the deadline - Can I still apply?
- No. Please ensure you commence the application process as early as possible. Late applications are not accepted.

I’m not sure I’ll be available for the period indicated. Can I still apply?
- No. Before applying for the program, you must verify that you will be available for the entire period of the contract – these dates cannot be changed. If you withdraw at any time after submitting an application, you will be disqualified from reapplying.

  • Verify that you are able to defer your university course if your application is successful
  • Verify that you have sufficient finances to support yourself for seven months
  • Verify that your family and job situation will allow you to be away for seven months
  • You may also want to check whether you could get credit for the program towards your degree as a bonus

How likely is it that I will get placed in my city of preference?
- Your preference for a region will certainly be considered in your successful application and your placement within an académie, who then receive your dossier.
However we cannot guarantee you get your preference, so please do not to apply for the program if your primary reason for staying in France is outside the language assistants program (ie to be with your partner/friends/family, to enrol in a course at university etc). Any candidate who withdraws because they didn’t get the region they wanted will not be considered again.

Can I leave Australia early to take a holiday before the contract begins?
- Please leave any holiday plans until after the end of your contract. Non-European citizens must obtain a visa in Australia before leaving the country. The date of validity of your visa will correspond closely with the beginning of your activity in France. If you book flights to arrive before your visa period, or if you book to leave Australia before you have received your visa, the Embassy will not be able to help.

Can I travel around Europe outside my time working as an assistant?
- Yes. During your contract, your visa will allow you to travel within Europe.
In addition to this, Australian citizens have the right to travel as a tourist within Europe for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. When your visa expires, you must exit the Schengen zone and re-enter as a tourist if you wish to make use of this 90-day visa waiver for Australian citizens.

When I’m a language assistant, can I have another part-time job?
- No. For more information please see http://www.education.gouv.fr/pid285/bulletin_officiel.html?cid_bo=101887

Can I study while working as an assistant?
- Assistants have a specific visa which doesn’t permit other jobs or activities. You may be able to attend courses at a uni; but without getting a qualification. Please approach the International Student office of the university to find out whether this is possible.

Can you give me some advice about flights / accommodation / visas / insurance / immigration?
- Information on all the above will be given to successful candidates after their placement decision.
- Please note that successful candidates must attend a visa appointment which may require you to travel from your hometown (non-European citizens). For more visa information please visit France Visas
- Please consider the costs associated with purchasing flights, accommodation, visas, insurance and immigration before you apply.

Can my partner join me in France while I participate in the program?
- Yes, but they will also be subject to their own individual visa conditions and we will not be able to offer any extra advice or support for their situation. Please consider that the salary of an assistant is not sufficient to support dependents. Please do not apply if your participation is conditional on a third party.

English language Teaching Assistant in New Caledonia

Applications are closed.

Please contact education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr pour être notifié du prochain appel à candidatures.
Missed your chance to apply? The program also runs in France.

This program is designed to give students the opportunity to discover a new region and culture by working alongside an English teacher in a French school environment. It is not aimed at experienced teachers, and whether or not students intend to become language teachers, it is a fantastic opportunity to gain seven months of international professional experience.
The program in New Caledonia offers a unique experience in an environment rich in culture and diversity and, despite its proximity to Australia, participants will discover a completely new and foreign daily life immersed in the local environment.

Role of the Assistant

Tasks to be carried out by the assistant include:

  • Participating in language training for students in and out of class. Leading study on themes of civilization and, in general, aiming to interest students and teachers in the language and culture of Australia.
  • Providing help in the classroom with oral and written English for small groups of students. Working either with a teacher in their class, or leading a variety of exercises with a small group of students, or conducting a variety of activities outside of school hours, accompanying the teachers.
  • Providing linguistic and cultural assistance to teachers. The assistant can help the teachers on many extra occasions : visits, exchanges, exhibitions, drama groups, publication of a newspaper, school correspondence, club activities, creation of didactic material.
  • Making recordings on tape for the audio-visual resources of the school’s library. The assistant is advised to bring documents (newspaper articles, magazines, video, poetry, songs, tourist documents, printed matter related to everyday life).


-  Length: 7 months, from March 11 2022 to October 11 2022. Contract dates and duration cannot be reduced or modified.
-  A 12-hour per week schedule.
-  Positions available in secondary schools only. Time may be divided over several establishments.
-  Net monthly allowance: 1529 € (182 000 F CFP).
-  You will benefit from school holidays. The calendar is online : [http://www.ac-noumea.nc/spip.php?rubrique64]

Eligibility criteria

-  Candidates must be Australian citizens or permanent residents***.
-  Candidates must be enrolled at an Australian university or be recently graduated at the time of application. Candidates must have completed at least two years of university studies.
-  Candidates must be between 20 and 35 years of age at the time of taking up their positions (from 11 March 2022).
-  Candidates must have a minimum Level B1 in French (see the Cadre européen commun de références pour les langues).
-  Candidates should preferably be single.
-  At the time of their visa appointment, candidates will be required to submit a National Police Check dated no older than three months.


Applications are closed.

If you have any questions, please read the FAQ before sending an email to: education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr

NB: DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS PROGRAM if you are intending on visiting New Caledonia for any reason alternative to a contract as a language assistant. While we do our best to take into account your indicated preferences for region, we cannot guarantee the location of your placement. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS PROGRAM if you do not intend to follow through with the contract. Before applying, you must be sure that your current situation permits your activities in New Caledonia for the period indicated. If your circumstances change at any moment after submitting your application, and put you at risk of having to withdraw, you MUST inform the Embassy immediately at education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Cancellation of an assignment, except for valid medical or family reasons (certificate required) will disqualify the candidate from applying the following year.

***Permanent residents: for information regarding the requirements, please contact education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr.

English Language Teaching Assistant in Wallis-and-Futuna

Applications are closed

Please contact education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr to be notified about the next application period.

This program is designed to give students the opportunity to discover a new region and culture by working alongside an English teacher in a French school environment. It is not aimed at experienced teachers, and whether or not students intend to become language teachers, it is a fantastic opportunity to gain seven months of international professional experience.
The program in Wallis and Futuna offers a unique experience in an environment rich in culture and participants will discover a completely new and foreign daily life immersed in the local environment.

Role of the Assistant

Tasks to be carried out by the assistant include:

  • Participating in language training for students in and out of class. Leading study on themes of civilization and, in general, aiming to interest students and teachers in the language and culture of Australia.
  • Providing help in the classroom with oral and written English for small groups of students. Working either with a teacher in their class, or leading a variety of exercises with a small group of students, or conducting a variety of activities outside of school hours, accompanying the teachers.
  • Providing linguistic and cultural assistance to teachers. The assistant can help the teachers on many extra occasions : visits, exchanges, exhibitions, drama groups, publication of a newspaper, school correspondence, club activities, creation of didactic material.
  • Making recordings on tape for the audio-visual resources of the school’s library. The assistant is advised to bring documents (newspaper articles, magazines, video, poetry, songs, tourist documents, printed matter related to everyday life).


  • Length: 7 months - from March 1 2020 to September 30 2020
  • A 12-hour per-week schedule in one or more secondary schools
  • Net monthly remuneration: 2007 € (239 499 F XFP)
  • Monthly living allowance: 460,90€


  • Candidates must be Australian citizens. Permanent residents are not eligible.
  • Candidates must be between 20 and 35 years of age at the time of taking up their position (from 1 March 2020). They should also preferably be single, as the salary of an assistant is not adequate to support dependents.
  • Candidates must be enrolled at an Australian university at the time of their application, and must have completed at least 2 years of university studies.
  • Minimum Level B1 in French is required (see the Cadre européen commun de références pour les langues).

Once selected - what’s next

Information will be available once the selection has been made.
If you have any questions, please read the FAQ before sending an email to: education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr

DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS PROGRAM if you do not intend to follow through with the contract. Before applying, you must be sure that your current situation permits your activities in Wallis-and-Futuna for the period indicated. If your circumstances change at any moment after submitting your application, and put you at risk of having to withdraw, you MUST inform the Embassy immediately at education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Cancellation of an assignment, except for valid medical or family reasons (certificate required) will disqualify the candidate from applying the following year.


Dernière modification : 21/06/2024

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